Ft. Myers Tarpon Fishing Report March 2015

by | Mar 22, 2015

Ft. Myers, Florida – Fishing Report

3-22-2015 4:27pm
boatside1Tarpon Season 2015 is finally here!!!
As usual I haven’t posted a report in a while.  That usually means we are catching fish.  This time is no different.

With all of the great weather we have had lately the tarpon started pouring in a little earlier than usual.  More are showing up by the day.  Over the next couple weeks I will be switching back and forth with a few backwater trips I still have in the book.  After that it is full on tarpon mode until December.

I will update this report as often as I can, but you can get reports more frequently by visiting my Facebook page.  I will be posting new photos several times a week.


boatside3Tarpon season is here.  I still have peak season (May-August) dates for the 2015 Boca Grande Tarpon Season.  I also have a few prime dates for the fall migration in October and November.  If you have specific dates you need, shoot me an email or call before they are booked.

Keep the line tight and bow when they jump!

Capt. Mark Bennett

Fishing Report



As usual next week I am headed back to the Florida Everglades till the end of October.  The fall run is one of my favorite times of year to target tarpon in the Everglades. This year I am still open September 15th, 21st, 24th, 25th, 28th-30th and October 1st-3rd.  The...